How much are hotels in Paris? And how can you save?

Have hotel prices in Paris given you sticker shock? How much are hotels in Paris? Is that normal? And is there anything you can do to lower those rates?

We’ve been reviewing hotels in Paris for nearly 20 years, and are here to tackle some of the most common questions. We’ll show you what to expect, and how to save big on hotels in Paris.

How much are hotels in Paris?

The average nightly room rate in 2018 in Paris was 146,30 €, or about $158, according to the most recent report by the Paris tourism office.

But that’s only an “average rate”. And has anyone ever actually seen an “average hotel”? It’s more helpful to consider the three main criteria that determine these hotel rates:

  • What’s the hotel’s category? (5-star / 4-star / 3-star / 2-star / 1-star / unrated)
  • Where is the hotel located?
  • When are you visiting Paris?

Taken together, you can better understand how much to expect to pay.

The Hotel Chopin in Paris is a charming 2-star hotel.

What types of hotels are there in Paris?

What’s the difference between a three-star hotel and a four-star? And can you stay comfortably in a 2-star hotel?

We’ve written quite a bit about the differences between hotel categories, but in short, hotels with higher categories generally offer more amenities and services, and may offer larger rooms. Obviously, with more amenities and services come higher room rates.

Most of our recommended hotels in our Paris hotel guide are 2-star and 3-star hotels. This means that they have most of the basic amenities that most travelers are accustomed to, including private baths with showers or tubs and TVs. Rooms in three-star hotels may also include a mini-fridge, iron, and more amenities and products in the bathroom. (Note that even three-star hotels in Paris may not be equipped with air conditioning.)

And as you can see in the list below, there are more 3-star hotels in Paris than any other category of hotel.

How many hotels are in there in Paris?

According to the Paris tourism office, the 2,053 hotels in the greater Paris region are divided into the following categories:

  • 5-star: 89 hotels
  • 4-star: 469 hotels – average rate: 204 € ($221)
  • 3-star: 784 hotels – average rate: 99 € ($107)
  • 2-star: 250 hotels – average rate: 69 € ($75)
  • 1-star: 20 hotels – average rate: 51 € ($55)
  • unrated hotels: 441

Cafes line the streets of St. Germain-des-Pre´s. Photo: ugardener

Where should I stay in Paris?

The hotel’s location also has a major impact on the room rate. Most tourists want to stay in the center of the action — or at least a quick walk or short Metro ride from the city’s most popular museums and attractions. And you’ll pay for that.

Paris is divided into 20 arrondissements, or districts, and generally speaking, arrondissements 1-8 are the most central and priciest. Conversely, budget travelers can often find cheaper hotel options farther from the center of the city, which is a great budget option if you don’t mind spending more time on the Metro.

Our favorite neighborhoods include the 3rd and 4th (Marais), 6th (St. Germain-des-Prés), and 9th (Grands Boulevards), as these are all central, but still feel like neighborhoods (although both the Marais and St. Germain have become extremely popular and are often very expensive).

Read more about Paris’ neighborhoods here.

What are the best cheap hotels in Paris?

We’ve got a long list of favorite budget hotels in Paris. But if you’re short on time, check out this list of our top 15 budget hotels in Paris. We have recommendations for all types of hotels, and all of them are centrally located.

If you’re really strapped for time…

Ready to see hotels? Search all hotels in Paris here.

It’s easier to relax in September in Paris. (Photo by Tom Meyers)

When should I go to Paris?

Finally, the timing of your trip is also key. Be sure to read this overview of the best time to visit Paris, but in short:

During the high season (May – July and September), the weather is at its most agreeable, and the city is packed with tourists. Room rates are also, unsurprisingly, at their highest.

Conversely, during low season (November – March, excepting holidays), rates are low, although the weather is unpredictable.

We generally encourage readers to travel during “shoulder season” — between high and low season (in spring and fall, and August), when prices are low and the crowds are manageable.

More ways to save on your hotel in Paris

We’re just getting started. Be sure to check our my article on how to save on your hotel in Paris for more tips, including:

Read more in our guide to saving on Paris hotels.

Your tips

Have suggestions for more ways to save on your hotel in Paris? Share with us in the comments section below.

The post How much are hotels in Paris? And how can you save? appeared first on EuroCheapo's Budget Travel Blog.

Source: Euro Cheapo

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