Hong Kong Can Now Turn Passengers Away at the Gate


Radio Free Asia reports the new “Advance Passenger Information system” requires air carriers flying to the special administrative region to provide travel document information to determine if a flyer can enter the Chinese city.


System Set to “Strengthen Law Enforcement Capabilities” For Travel

The new policy is effective as of September 3, 2024, with a government spokesperson telling the news site that the goal is to “…further strengthen law enforcement capabilities to prevent undesirable persons … from traveling.” The passenger checks begin at the gate, where airlines will be required to pass on information from travel documents to the Hong Kong Immigration Department prior to departure.


“The Advance Passenger Information system … will instantly process the information and provide a response message, i.e., a board or no-board direction for each traveler, back to the aircraft operator,” a government spokesperson told Radio Free Asia. “The aircraft operator shall act upon the direction given through the API System, i.e., … allow or not allow specific travelers to board the aircraft heading to Hong Kong.”


Opponents of the new policy say that the move allows Hong Kong to turn away people who have been critical of the government, such as journalists or activists. The Hong Kong government has not identified where they will source information on each passenger, or what would disqualify somebody from visiting the city.


According to the Chinese Embassy to the United States, Americans can visit Hong Kong without a visa for up to 90 days. The government spokesperson told Radio Free Asia that the new policy would not prevent current Hong Kong residents from returning home.

Source: frugal travel guy

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