Southwest Attorneys to Take “Religious-Liberty Training” from WHAT Group?


CNN reports the order is the result of a lawsuit against the carrier from a former employee accusing them of discriminating against her religious beliefs.


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The lawsuit was brought against Southwest and the Transport Workers Union by Charlene Carter, who claims she was dismissed after she “expressed her pro-life beliefs to her union president.” According to NBC News, she claims the expression was opposing the TWU’s decision to support the 2017 Women’s March because it was sponsored by Planned Parenthood. She also accused Southwest of sending an internal memo addressing the behavior.


In addition to ordering the airline to reinstate Carter to her former job, the judge also ordered three attorneys to take “religious-liberty” training from the advocacy group Alliance Defending Freedom. The organization is identified as a “Designated Hate Group,” by the Southern Poverty Law Center, described to support “recriminalization of sexual acts between consenting LGBTQ adults in the U.S. and criminalization abroad,” and “claims that a “homosexual agenda” will destroy Christianity and society.”


A Southwest spokesperson says the airline will immediately appeal the decision, although it did not elaborate on when that appeal may come. In the meantime, the judge ordered the attorneys to take the eight-hour training no later than August 28, 2023.

Source: frugal travel guy

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